October 2, 2021 – General Membership Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes October 2, 2021 – General Membership Meeting Minutes

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  • #3731
    Russell Albright

      General Virtual Meeting – Minutes
      October 2, 2021 – 10:00am

      Virtual Meeting – Conference / Season Kick off

      In total 22 people attended the conference

      Board members in attendance:
      Russell Albright II, Ron Kearns, Dennis Gorley, Mark DeMonbrun, Dennis Simpson
      Both Jerry Galland and Ernie Walker were unable to make it.

      Ron called meeting to order at 10am

      Santa Claus Oath read by Santa Russell Albright

      Mrs. Claus Oath read by Deanna Partlow

      Previous meeting minutes read by Russell Albright II, motion to accept given by Russell Albright II, seconded by Mark DeMonbrun

      Treasurer’s report given by Dennis Gorley, motion to accept by Mark DeMonbrun and seconded by Russell Albright II.

      Notification of resignation from board of Jerry Galland and Ron Kearns due to moving out of state.

      Santa Bob Partlow gave update on elections, and officer elections for next year.

      Chuck Parrish express interest in secretary

      Sharing of upcoming season by various Santas

      Jim Biedle announced that IBRBS has a director position available.

      Items of discussion whether Norpac should return to Great Wolf Lodge for 2022 or go to another venue (similar to what was scheduled for 2021), new members to executive board to take under advisement and consideration.

      Thank you to Ron Kearns for his years of helping NORPAC Santas.

      Meeting adjourned at 11:02

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    Meeting Minutes October 2, 2021 – General Membership Meeting Minutes

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