Request a Santa

If you are needing a Santa for multiple locations, please fill out one request per location. This form can handle multiple dates (up to 10).

If this is your first time requesting a Santa, welcome to our site, please fill in all details below. Remember prime weekends fill up months in advance (sometimes a year in advance), plan ahead to send requests as early as possible. (hint: July is a great time to start planning.) Your request will be sent immediately to all Santas registered on our site, and you can expect to start hearing back via phone and email pretty soon.
By default, all requests expire after 1 year and are no longer viewable or searchable.

Please enter the requester's name
How will Santa get call the requester?
Is this a multi-day event?
Select YES if there is a date range for your event vs individual dates.
How many days does this event go for?
Select the dates for this event.
What date is the event?
What time does the event start?
What time will the event end?
What is the second day of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the third date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the fourth day of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the fifth date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the sixth date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the seventh date of the event
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the eighth date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the ninth date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the tenth date of the event?
What time does the event start?
What time does the event end?
What is the name of the location the event is being held?
Does this event have a name?
Please check the boxes for the type of event this is. (You can select more than one.)
What is the budget that you have in mind for hiring Santa?
Select if this is a remote position.
How many children are expected at this event? (It is okay to guess)
How many total guests are expected at this event? (It is okay to guess)
Enter anything specific about this event that you need Santa to know about.