June 26, 2021 Exec Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes June 26, 2021 Exec Board Meeting

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    Jerry Galland

      June 26 NORPAC Board Meeting

      8:30 AM

      Carrs Restaurant in Lakewood



      Present: Ron Kearns, Russell Albright, Mark DeMonbrun, Dennis Gorley, Dennis Simpson, Ernie Walker, Jerry Galland, Jim Beidle, Marcie Kearns, Tracey Galland

      Meeting called to order at 8:30am

      • Treasurers Report (Gorley)

      Current roster stands at 47 members. 5 members paid their 2021 dues in 2020. 26 members from 2020 have yet to renew for 2021.

      15 members have secured Background checks through NORPAC in 2021. 6 paid for 2020 BGC but did not receive them and requested carryover to 2021

      All required Federal and State non-profit reports have been filed.

      For the 2021 Conference, there are 6 singles and three couples registered thus far for a total of 12. Revenue thus far is $1,500 and $0.00 in expenses.


      Motion made by Mark DeMonbrun and seconded by Jerry Galland to accept the report. Unanimous.


      • Minutes of previous meetings. Read minutes of June 5th general meeting. Motion to adopt made by Ron Kearns, 2nd by Mark DeMonbrun. Passed unanimous.

      Minutes of June 7th executive meeting discussed.


      • Conference Planning

      Everyone engaged in discussing many topics to make the conference as successful as possible. We are all excited to host this years conference with the Brothers Claus, Elvis and include a catered luncheon on Saturday.
      Hoping as many members as want join us for a fun time.

      • Picnic at Ernie and Ginny Walker’s house in Lakewood on August 7th.

      ASAP Leadership needs to notify membership of the date, time and $10 per attendee fee, and request RSVP so we can order the catered menu (Hot dogs, hamburgers, coleslaw and potato Salad.)


      • NORPAC Elections

      Procedure identified – Need Election Chair / Committee – Bob Partlow, if he agrees.


      Staggered Terms – Discussion

      Dennis Gorley made a motion to amend the bylaws for officer elections to specify starting in 2022, officer positions be staggered to allow for continuity of the board. Vice president and Treasurer positions would be up for election in even numbered years. President and Secretary up for election in odd numbered years. For 2022 election, VP and Treasurer will be one year terms to create stagger.
      Mark DeMonbrun seconded. Passed unanimously.


      • Other Business – Dennis Simpson, Tracey and Jerry Galland will look into bags for the conference.
      • IBRBS

      Jim Beidle gave a report on an upcoming vote of the IBRBS proposed changes to their bylaws. Brief overview of the housekeeping changes to greater reflect the organizations goals and clarify some language.

      After Jim left, there was a motion made by Russell Albright to include Jim Beidle on the board a IBRBS representative.

      Mark DeMonbrun seconded. Passed unanimously.

      Meeting adjourned at 9:45am


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    Meeting Minutes June 26, 2021 Exec Board Meeting

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