July 11, 2020 General Membership Meeting Minutes – Virtual Meeting

Meeting Minutes July 11, 2020 General Membership Meeting Minutes – Virtual Meeting

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  • #2165
    Jerry Galland

      Ron Kearns called the meeting to order at 10:00am


      There were 26 participants


      Dennis Simpson read the Santa Claus oath


      Ron introduced John LoPorto and Mike T. who gave a presentation on Talk to Santa.


      Ron talked about the cancellation of the annual conference at the Great Wolf Lodge. We have booked for 2021.


      Ron shared that we have worked out a possible virtual workshop presentation with John Chilson.

      Participation would be $25, and include a copy of John’s book.

      After discussion a poll was taken to see how many would attend. Poll results were favorable with 23 yes and 1 no.

      The board will work out the details and have registration forms available soon.


      Discussion on holding our annual picnic in-person

      Poll on catered Picnic August 1st. at 11:00am, need minimum 20 paid attendees

      Poll results: 12 not attending

      2 individuals attending

      9 couples attending

      Minimum met, will have the meeting and contact the caterer.



      Jerry Nebel gave a great presentation on the 6 things that are key to Santa’s success to strengthen his incredible Santa Organization.


      Meeting ended at 11:20


      Chat contents for meeting:

      Transcript of Chat




      10:00:04       From  Dan Burke : I use a whitening rinse as well as the blue shampoo

      10:31:26       From  Randy and Marsha : Are there specific lighting requirements?

      10:35:09       From  Randy and Marsha : So does Amazon differ greatly from Zoom?

      10:41:25       From  David Hardwick : Sounds like fun, but the Zoom fatigue for a schedule like that could be significant.

      10:41:57       From  Jerry Nebel : Agree David

      10:42:19       From  Mark DeMonbrun : But you could pick and choose which sessions you like to attend

      10:42:35       From  David Hardwick : That sounds better.

      10:42:44       From  DanB : I’m in

      10:43:06       From  Randy and Marsha : I’d be up for that!

      10:43:16       From  David Hardwick : The dates?

      10:44:11       From  Marshall Dunston : I’ll only come on the Saturday since I won’t take a vacation day for a video conference!

      10:44:39       From  Russell Albright : https://societyofsanta.org/john-chilson

      10:44:51       From  Jerry Nebel : We can also promote world wide and have a LARGE attendance. Santa’s are always looking for this type of opportunity.

      10:45:34       From  Russell Albright : Polling results for Virtual Conference:

      Yes (23) 96%

      No (1) 4%

      10:46:59       From  David Hardwick : How soon and how do you want the funds?

      10:49:45       From  davem : what will the picnic date be?

      10:50:40       From  Russell Albright : August 1st 11am

      10:56:01       From  Russell Albright : Poll results for Picnic at Ernie’s

      Will not be attending: (12) – 52%

      1 Person (2) – 9%

      2 Persons (9) – 39%

      Minimum 20 person has been met.

      11:08:50       From  Tami McKinley : I don’t see any documents in the chat

      11:09:01       From  David Hardwick : me either

      11:09:05       From  Santa Gene : should be at the top

      11:09:07       From  Russell Albright : It is at the beginning of the chat

      11:09:18       From  Russell Albright : But if you don’t see it, it will be included in the minutes

      11:09:22       From  Gary & Bob : probably NORPACchat

      11:09:27       From  Tami McKinley : I just logged on so maybe that’s why I don’t see it

      11:09:34       From  David Hardwick : It probably was before I joined

      11:11:31       From  Tami McKinley : That is helpful for saving the chat but since I  logged on later the chat starts from when I was able to log on

      11:12:33       From  Chuck Parrish : chuckparrish2009@gmail.com

      11:13:04       From  Jerry Nebel : Lone Star have been doing them for awhile now. Alumni of Robert’s Christmas Performer Workshops have been doing learning sessions.

      11:14:25       From  David Hardwick : I think you just posted to me privately Chuck. 🙂

      11:16:10       From  David Hardwick : looks like virtual money Jerry


      Contribution from Chuck Parrish on information shared that did not show up in the chat. Click on link to open file

      Zoom OSB Logitech information


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    Meeting Minutes July 11, 2020 General Membership Meeting Minutes – Virtual Meeting

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