General Membership Meeting June 1st, 2019

Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting June 1st, 2019

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  • #1603
    Russell Albright

      NORPAC Santas met at noon on June 1st at Billy McHale’s Restaurant in Federal Way. There were 29 people in attendance. Following the meal and much visiting, Trever Waltos called the meeting to order at approx. 1:10 PM. Greetings & Introductions. After greeting everyone, Trever asked first time attendees to introduce themselves. There was only one new Santa. He was Reed Montague from Seatac. Santa Claus Oath & Mrs. Claus Oath were led respectively by Jim Beidle and Cindy Collier. Past Minutes. Trever noted that minutes from NORPAC’s general membership meeting on Apr.6 as well as minutes from meetings prior to that are posted on the NORPAC website. He encouraged NORPAC members who may be interested to read the minutes which are posted within a few days after each meeting. Treasurer’s Report. Dennis Gorley shared that as of May 31, NORPAC’s treasury had a balance of $8,935.78 comprised of $432.00 (Savings), $8,453.78 (Checking), and $50.00 (Petty Cash). Revenues to date (2019) total $3,055.10 and expenditures $1,680.16. NORPAC’s current roster stands at 74 members. 30 members have secured background checks. The cost has increased to $19.00. If you have already paid for an Oct BGC, NORPAC will absorb the additional cost. Contact Dennis G. with questions.

      Upcoming Santa Gatherings :

      July 25th Thursday 3pm at T-Mobile Park, Seattle — Mariners baseball game. We’ll help with Rick Rizz’s Toys for Kids fundraiser. If you’d like to participate, please contact Santa Bob Partlow at You will take turns sitting
      with kids for pictures, encouraging others to come to sit for pictures, or help with silent auction. Wear Santa casual dress. Oct. 3,4,5 – 10th Annual Northwest Santa Workshop, Grand Mound, WA.
      Randy Cook says Friday night will be a gala event to celebrate the 3 founders of NORPAC. Santa Ed Taylor will appear at the workshop.
      Jerry Nebel says a premier photographer will appear and discuss photography, and sponsorships will be discussed.
      ISC 2020 Atlanta April 23rd- April 25th, 2020

      Old Business :

      Trever reminded everyone that executive board elections will take place at the Feb., 2020 general meeting. Bob Partlow is the chairman of the election committee. Please email nominations to him by Oct. 31. All positions are open. Trever will not run again and will not accept the past chairman’s position. Dennis Simpson will also step
      down from the past chairman’s position.

      New Business:

      Everyone was asked what they were adding to their Christmas performer character that is new this year?
      Jim Beidle shared that he is taking acting classes in Marysville that he found on Facebook. Someone shared that “Mighty Tripod” is an acting class available in Seattle. Others may be found by contacting your local little theater group. Jerry Nebel shared that he joined Toastmasters Club and it helps with public speaking.​
      Robert MacDonald shared that he bought a new Santa suit.
      Discussion followed this about new suits and custom made suits. Trever likes his custom suit made by the cleaner in Sumner. Reed’s mother made a custom suit for him from fabric ordered from California. Ginny noted that the Sumner cleaner told her that if you are making your own suit, you should first have the fabric dry cleaned. This takes care of the color running. It will not run after that when it is cleaned in the future. Reed noted that the fabric he used is washable and it was washed before his mother made the suit.Pat Costello shared that he bought a Toys R Us red vest and a red Coca Cola shirt and modified those as a Santa shirt and vest. Trever shared that he has found some vintage toys at second hand stores to use as props in photos.
      John Nielsen shared that he used a red and white Lands End tote bag and turned it into a Santa bag for his magic tricks.

      More new business:

      Jerry Galland has folding Santa chairs available for $285.
      We sang Happy Birthday to Jerry Nebel.

      50/50 Drawing. $100.00 was collected for the 50/50 drawing. Dennis G. drew the winning ticket which was purchased by Trever. Trever collected $50.


      Trever adjourned the meeting at 1:45 PM and a group picture followed.

      Upcoming Meetings:

      Aug. 3 – Picnic at Santa Ernie & Ginny’s home, Lakewood
      Oct. 4-5 – 10th Annual Northwest Santa Workshop, Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, WA

      Respectfully submitted,
      Ginny Summers (standing in for Dale Scott)

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    Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting June 1st, 2019

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