General Membership Meeting Feb 2, 2019

Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting Feb 2, 2019

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  • #1597
    Russell Albright

      The NORPAC Santa Group met at noon on Feb. 2, 2019, at Billy McHale’s Restaurant in Federal Way.
      There were 70 people in attendance including about 45 Santas, several Mrs. Clauses, 1 Grinch, and other visitors. Shortly after 12:00, Gene Sanders blessed the meal and our time together and we then enjoyed the food and fellowship with one another for about an hour.

      Greetings. Trever Waltos called the meeting to order at 1:15 and welcomed everyone.

      Oaths. Chuck Parrish led the Santa Claus Oath, and Faye Neuman led the Mrs. Claus Oath.

      New Attendee Introductions. Trever asked first time attendees to introduce themselves. These included Wayne and Lynne Beresford (Maple Valley), Fred Gower (Silverdale), Cory Brown (Kent), David Welch (Bremerton), Jon Manning (Burien), Richard Collins (Parkland), Randy Hiatt (Issaquah), and Michael Morrisey (Olympia).

      Minutes. Dale Scott mentioned that since his last report at the August general membership meeting, minutes have been posted on the NORPAC website for:
      Aug. 4, 2018 meeting,
      Scholarship Committee meeting, Aug. 9, 2018,
      NW Santa Workshop @ Great Wolf Lodge, Oct. 5-6, 2018,
      Exec. Board Committee meeting, Dec. 21, 2018, and
      Exec. Board Committee meeting, Jan.19, 2019.

      Treasurer’s Report.
      Dennis Gorley reported that NORPAC’s treasury as of Dec. 31, 2018 totaled $7,580.61 (Savings–$431.84, Checking–$7,098.77, Petty Cash–$50.00). Current paid membership stands at 74 (plus a few more who joined at today’s meeting). A highlight from 2018 included the 2-day Christmas Performer Workshop last June 2nd led by Santa True. Thirty-four people attended with revenues of $6,705.00, expenditures of $5,042.52, and a net of $1,707.48. Dennis also highlighted the NW Santa Workshop last October attended by 72 people with revenues of $4,421.00 and expenditures of $4,183.90. NORPAC also awarded two scholarships (each for $250) to two of our members to help them attend the workshop. The Board has agreed to offer two more scholarships (and possibly more) for the 2019 NW Santa Workshop. Dennis shared that at last month’s Board meeting, a proposed budget for 2019 was approved with projected revenues and expenditures of $9,205.00.Dennis is taking orders for the NORPAC jackets ($38) and for the magnetic name tags ($10). These costs can be paid by cash or check, or through the PayPal link on NORPAC’s website. These payment options also apply to membership fees and to background checks ordered through NORPAC. The Board has decided not to have NORPAC attend a Tacoma Rainiers ballgame this coming summer because of dwindling participation in that activity the last couple years.

      Reports—Upcoming Santa Gatherings.
      IBRBS ICS 2020 – Atlanta, GA Apr. 23-25, 2020. Conference registration is not yet set up, but Dennis Simpson recommends making hotel reservations now.
      Seattle Mariners Game/Toys for Kids Fundraiser—July 25, 2019. If you’d like to help with this event, contact Bob Partlow so your name will be on the list provided to security.
      10th Annual NW Santa Workshop, Oct. 3-5, 2019, Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, WA.

      Old Business.
      Dennis Gorley has membership applications and background check request forms. If there are questions on either—contact Dennis. He is also planning to send out an updated membership list in about a week. That list will help us to communicate with one another.
      Trever commented that NORPAC requires background checks of its members, but we do not require members to have liability insurance, that being a personal decision.

      New Business.
      NORPAC Website Matters. Santas listed on the NORPAC website need to have renewed their membership by March 1st or they will be removed. Trever said such individuals would be notified before removal. Those wanting to update their photo or bio info. can send that to Trever who will make those changes.
      Scholarships for 2019. The Board is planning to award two $250 scholarships to assist a couple members in attending the NW Santa Workshop in October. Jerry Galland and Dale presently are the scholarship committee. Should the budget allow, additional scholarships may be funded. Further information will be shared later this year.

      NW Santa Workshop Planning Committee. At this point six individuals have been identified to serve as the workshop planning committee. Three Board members have volunteered (Randy Cook, Dale, and Dennis Gorley), along with three others (Jim Beidle, Jerry Nebel, and Kirby Taylor) who’d each expressed interest on their workshop evaluations last October. Let any of these people know if you’d also like to help and that will be considered when the committee meet.

      NORPAC Sleigh. NORPAC owns a sleigh that was refurbished about three years ago and has been available for use by any NORPAC member since then. No one has requested its use. It requires a small flatbed trailer to move it, or it can also fit in the back of a large pick-up truck. It would require four men to load/unload it from a pick-up. It is currently in storage in an individual’s barn but needs to be moved. If any NORPAC member can provide storage, please notify Trever so it can be moved and still be available for NORPAC use. If no one comes forward within the next week or so, the Board has authorized that the sleigh can be put up for sale.

      Sharing. Several individuals shared special memories or events from the recent Santa season. Two points were made in the context of some of that sharing: 1) if you book a job advertised through the “Request a Santa/Mrs. Claus” on the NORPAC website, please go to the “Message Board” link of the website to let the rest of us know that job has been filled. 2) Questions were asked about “Sample Booking Agreements” and it was pointed out that there are two forms of this on the website under “NORPAC Files.” Trever shared that he has borrowed language from both of those to create his own booking agreement form.

      50/50 Drawing. Ernie Walker had the winning ticket for today’s 50/50 drawing and collected $174.00.

      Following group photos, Trever adjourned the meeting at 3:10 PM.

      Respectfully submitted,
      Dale Scott, Secretary

      Next Meetings: Apr. 6~Billy McHale’s~Federal Way
      June 1~Billy McHale’s~Federal Way
      Aug. 3~BBQ/Picnic~Santa Ernie’s~Lakewood
      Oct. 4/5~Great Wolf Lodge~Grand Mound, WA

      Respectfully submitted,
      Dale Scott, NORPAC Secretary

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    Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting Feb 2, 2019

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