General Membership Meeting April 6, 2019

Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting April 6, 2019

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  • #1601
    Russell Albright

      NORPAC Santas met at noon on Apr. 6 th at Billy McHale’s Restaurant in Federal Way. There were 34 people in attendance. Following the meal and much visiting, Trever Waltos called the meeting to order at
      approx. 1:00 PM. Greetings & Introductions. After greeting everyone, Trever asked first time attendees to introduce
      themselves. These included Santa Dave Myers (Whidbey Island), Mrs. Claus Sandy Gatlin (Puyallup), and Santa Karl Beals (Kenmore).
      Blessing . Dale Scott gave a blessing for the meal we’d just enjoyed and for the meeting itself. Santa Claus Oath & Mrs. Clause Oath were led respectively by John Nielson and Ginny Walker.

      Minutes. Dale noted that minutes from NORPAC’s general membership meeting on Feb. 2nd as well as minutes from an Exec. Board meeting on March 27th have been posted on the NORPAC website since shortly after those two meetings. He encouraged NORPAC members who may be interested to read the minutes which are posted within a few days after each meeting. Treasurer’s Report Dennis Gorley shared that as of Apr. 4th , NORPAC’s treasury had a balance of $9,117.83, comprised of $431.93 (Savings), $8,635.90 (Checking), and $50.00 (Petty Cash). Revenues to date (2019) total $2,852.28 and expenditures $1,295.29. NORPAC’s current roster stands at 73 members.$559.64 has been spent so far this year on “community support” which has included flowers sent to Dennis Simpson following a recent medical issue and a donation of $500.00 to the Ann Gabrelcik Medical and Funeral Fund. Ann was an active member of the Santa community in the mid-west and NORPAC’s donation was to help her family with expenses following her recent death.

      Upcoming Santa Gatherings .
      July 25th — Mariners baseball game. We’ll help with Rick Rizz’s Toys for Kids fundraiser. If you’d
      like to participate, please contact Santa Bob Partlow at .
      Oct. 3,4,5 – 10th Annual Northwest Santa Workshop, Grand Mound, WA.

      Santa Workshop Planning Committee. Jerry Nebel shared that the planning committee has met and is working on details for the Oct. workshop. Information will be sent to NORPAC members soon asking who may be interested in presenting at one of the workshop sessions. Planning committee members include Jim Beidle, Randy Cook, Dennis G., Jerry, Kirby Schwennsen-Taylor, and Dale.

      Old Business – Santa Sleigh. Trever shared that Robert MacDonald has agreed to store the NORPAC sleigh at his home in Milton and that he’s also interested in purchasing the sleigh if the reaches a decision to sell it.

      New Business. Trever shared that elections for NORPAC’s Executive Board will occur next February, 2020.
      The positions to be voted upon are Chairman, Vice Chairman,Treasurer and Secretary. Trever also said
      that he will not be running for another term as Chairman and that he doesn’t plan to continue serving on the Board (as Past Chairman) beyond that point. ​

      50/50 Drawing. Dennis G. announced that $200.00 had been collected for the 50/50 drawing. One of our servers drew the winning ticket which was purchased by Jerry Nebel. Jerry collected $100.

      Adjournment. Trever adjourned the meeting at 1:30 PM and a group picture followed.

      Upcoming Meetings:
      June 1 – Billy McHale’s, Federal Way
      Aug. 3 – Picnic at Ernie & Ginny Walker’s home, Lakewood
      Oct. 4-5 – 10th Annual Northwest Santa Workshop, Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, WA

      Respectfully submitted,
      Dale Scott, Secretary

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    Meeting Minutes General Membership Meeting April 6, 2019

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