Executive Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2014
Meeting Minutes › Executive Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2014
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated January 19, 2014 at 12:00 pm by Russell Albright.
January 19, 2014 at 12:00 pm #1328
Location: Ginger Palace, Lakewood Wa.
Time: 5:00 PM
Present: Santa Dennis Simpson, Santa Ron Kearns, Santa, Trever Waltos and Santa Dennis Gorley. Santa Dale Scott absent as the sleigh got lost “down under.”Motion by Ron to have NORPAC pick up the dinner bill for tonight’s meeting. 2nd by Dennis G. Discussion that this is common for other organizations and in lieu of paying travel expenses a fair trade off. Motion passed unanimously.
Dennis S. began the meeting by identifying a number of NORPAC Santa’s that were seen on television and newspapers. They included Santa Trever, Santa Russ Long, Santa Gene Sanders, Santa Dennis S and Santa John Nielsen. He pointed out that he saw some of the Convention buckets in the background and commented about their use.
Discussion was held regarding contributions to memorial funds specifically Rob Figley. A Motion was made by Santa Trever that we would visit each situation individually but generally contributions would be caped at $100, 2nd by Santa Dennis G (Santa Dennis can not make motions when presiding) and passed unanimously. Santa Dennis S. and/or Santa Trever will find out specifically which charity Santa Rob supported and a $100 donation will be made to that organization in memory of Santa Rob Figley, NORPAC member.
Santa Ron and Santa Dennis S. said the “Ride the Duck” adventure could have been was really fun and disappointed that more advanced notice did not happen and that there was not more participation.
Santa Dennis S. asked for approval to purchase additional name badge plastic covers and lanyards so he does not have to change out names all the time. Approved by Board.
Discussion of “Bad Santa” reports in 2013. Board is concerned about these reports and how it reflects on the NORPAC Organization. The Board would like to establish some minimum standards for all members and begin a process of educating members. Efforts to re-state these minimum standards will be made at each of our meetings throughout the year and on the web site and at a workshop during the GWL convention.
RE: 2013 GWL Convention
Received a big thank you letter from Great Wolf Lodge and a proposal with the same rates as 2013. One exception being that a guaranteed $1,100 food price was added. That was deemed not a problem as we expended about $1,300 in 2013.
Santa Dennis S. reviewed comments from the convention.
• Sheets of letter sized paper in the red folios was solicited
• Raffles were great
• Check out time break should be a little earlier on schedule
• Santa Bag display appreciated
• Coffee appreciated
• Suggestion that notice for donations for raffle baskets, etc. be placed on registration form.
• Suggestion for two track workshops providing information for new Santas and new information for veteran Santas so it is not repetitious each year.
• Make an effort to solicit Santa Pack Members to attend by attending some of their meetings throughout the year.
• Sound system worked great but would have been nice to have mini microphones during presentations.
• Suggestion that there be a portable coat rack and full-length mirror available for pre-parade dressing particularly in women’s quarters.
• After parade towels were greatly appreciated.
• Suggestion that maybe a Sugar Cookie decoration event be held guided by a Mrs. Claus with such talents.
• RV and other Hotel accommodations were well received and appreciated.
• Dennis S. suggested that a tool box with tape, pens, paper, stapler, etc. for administrative needs during the convention would be recommended.
• There were no negative comments on the food this year.
• Dory and Jackie are both happy with their vendor participation.
• Dory as some others were disappointed in the Magician show.
• Story reading contest was well received and anticipation grows for the next opportunity.
• Include Santa Tim’s tips for hiring.Dennis G. suggested that we have a presentation by a Talent Representative on what they look for, pay, expectations, etc. Santa Ron said he already has one coming.
Some discussion was held on entertainment for 2014 but nothing was agreed upon.
Dennis S. suggested we look into Square.com for processing electronic payments for 50/50 and registration. $30 An initial payment is required but we get that back after first transaction. 3% charge on each transaction. Santa Dennis G. did not think it would work for 50/50 because cash is needed to payout. Santa Dennis G. also expressed concern about 3% charge and whether that would be a surcharge to user or we eat that cost. Dennis G. did not think it would be of use at this time. Matter tabled.
2014 Meeting Schedule was discussed.
• February 1st Meeting at Claim Jumper in Tukwila
• April Meeting at Sizzler in Lakewood
• June Meeting at Panama City or a restaurant on Marvin Road near Hawks Prarie.
• August Picnic Meeting at Santa Ernie Walker’s residence
• November GWL ConventionThe Tampa Santa Convention was discussed with a couple of our members winning raffles for housing.
Discussion about having a NORPAC representative elected to a Board Position for IRBS. The Board should seek out a candidate, possibly Gene Sanders. There is a possibility that registration fees would be paid by NORPAC for person in this position. Santa Ron commented that there is no better organization than NORPAC.
Motion made by Trever “ NORPAC pay the Convention registration fees for the executive Board.” An amendment to the motion was made “NORPAC pay the Couples and Family Convention registration fees for the Executive Board,” 2nd by Santa Dennis G. Discussion and vote resulted in unanimous approval. It was suggested by Santa Dennis G. that the convention registration fees be increased to cover this expenditure. Convention committee will look at this proposal.
Motion made by Santa Ron “ Annual Executive Board NORPAC membership fees will be no charge while in office.” Motion 2nd by Santa Dennis G. Discussion and vote resulted in unanimous approval.
Santa Trever announced that he would like to see more NORPAC Service Participation. Exposure to “New Day” TV program, and participation in like the “Forgotten Children” Program would be ideal. Santa Ron discussed how the Forgotten Children program works and would report on that at February meeting.
Santa Dennis S. reported that he has some inquiries into wages paid for Santa during the year. After some discussion it was decided that we would do an anonymous wage survey document at the convention to gather information about rates for different events. This information would be beneficial to new Santas.
Santa Dennis G. basically just carrying forth expenditure results from 2013 as proposed for 2014, submitted the 2014 Proposed budget to the Board for approval. Proposed budget accepted unanimously.
Santa Ron as Nominations Chair announced that the existing Board had been nominated and there were no candidates coming forth for the Secretary or Treasurer. Candidates expressing interest are Scott Schmittler, Gene Sanders and Jerry Galland. Ron plans to present a “yes or No” ballot to membership that says re-elect existing Board. Other candidates would be running for two “At –Large” positions. These “At-Large” would chair committees to lessen the work load of the Executive Board members but at the same time learning the ins and outs of NORPAC. Gene has indicated a desire to participate in the Convention. Ron is going to try and recruit a couple of more Santas for participation in the election. Possible participants are Vinnie O’Conner and Ken Stager. Possible Committees include: Public Relations, Convention, Social Outreach and Corporate Sponsors.
Santa Trever will present a report on the Social networking and NORPAC at the February meeting.
Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM
Respectively submitted: Dennis Gorley, Acting Secretary
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Meeting Minutes › Executive Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2014
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