Elmers Restaurant- Tacoma
Meeting started at 8:30 with Ron Kearns, Russell Albright II, Dennis Gorley and Jerry Galland in attendance.
Russell had done a lot of work creating a proposed new website for NORPAC that incorporates all of the existing information and files on the current website. All board members logged onto the proposed new website so we could explore, while Russell gave a presentation on the features. He had already applied some member input to offer better features. And was ready to offer his many improvements to the Request a Santa/Mrs. Claus page. Including required fields for location, dates and event details. From member suggestions at the February 1st general meeting, he will be refining further, adding event classifications like military and charity, and making changes to how members can interact with the message board. After accepting suggestions on changes, a motion was made by Dennis to accept and implement the new website, replacing the existing.
Motion was seconded by Jerry, vote taken, passed 4-0. Russell will contact Trever Waltos to facilitate the changes and migration.
Another motion was made by Dennis to authorize we spend up to $500 to cover development and related costs. Seconded by Jerry, vote taken and passed 4-0
At-Large positions
Board had discussion about adding members at large to the board. We have had some members express interest and would like to bring them on board. Russell made motion to seat Dennis Simpson as member at large, Ron seconded, vote taken, passed 4-0
Russell made motion to seat Mark DeMonbrun as member at large, second by Dennis, vote taken, passed 4-0.
Russell motioned for Ernie Walker to take a seat as member at large, seconded by Dennis, vote take, passed 4-0.
Dennis presented current copies of the budget and membership roster, adding that we have a new member join since the general meeting last Saturday. Total of 74 members on the roster with 39 paid for 2020.Motion was made by Dennis to accept the budget, seconded by Jerry and passed 4-0
The topic of the annual convention/workshop was discussed.
The Great Wolf Lodge was selected as the location. Ron agreed to be point person for Great Wolf Lodge and we are planning on October
1-3. The board will be working the workshop this year. Input is welcome from the membership.
Atlanta, GA
The IBRBS ICS 2020 event in Atlanta was mentioned. None of the board members present as scheduled to attend.
Meetings Exec Board The exec board will meet next on February 22 at 10am at Mitzels American Kitchen, 22330 84th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032. Wives of the board
member are cordially invited.
Future meetings will be scheduled at that time.
General meetings are scheduled for:
April 4th, Billy McHales in Federal Way
June 6th, Billy McHales in Federal Way
August 1st, (At Ernie Walkers house if he will have us)
Meeting adjourned at 10:45
Comments are Closed