Executive Board Meeting Minutes Feb 22, 2020

Meeting Minutes Executive Board Meeting Minutes Feb 22, 2020

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    Russell Albright

      NORPAC-Santa’s Exec Board Meeting – Minutes
      February 22
      th, 2020 – 8:30am Mitzels Restaurant- Kent

      Meeting called to order at 9:00 with board members Ron Kearns, Russell Albright II, Dennis Gorley, Dennis Simpson and Jerry Galland in attendance. We also warmly welcomed Marcie Kearns, Tracey Galland and Leslie Albright.


      Call to order – Santa Ron Kearns, President, called the meeting to order with a prayer and blessing.
      Minutes – Santa Jerry – Secretary, minutes of the last board meeting were approved via email, they have already been posted on the NORPAC website.
      Treasures report – Santa Dennis Gorley, we have more renewing members, and a few new members.

      Old business

          1 – Website – FaceBook- E-Mails, Santa Russell Albright II – Vice President

      • Presentation of new website with member access to having bio on website – submit info to Russell, name, email, website, photo of self, with Mrs. Claus if appearing together.
      • Dennis Gorley added that Mrs. Claus needs background check if they appear on website. Timing of posting based on confirming background check on file with treasurer prior to posting.
      • Site is SSL certificate protected.
      • Input requests from members for improvements to Santa Request page. Contact information, date and location fields are required, other fields have suggested input. Multiple date events is a new option.
      • Once submitted, all job postings will show on a page on the website for quick reference. Also, comments can be added, like if a position was taken by a member. Another feature is that if an address is posted, application opens map.
      • Message board is ‘true’ message board. Forum style.
      • Email addresses. Elected board members now have website based email addresses, President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. There will also be Info and Webmaster emails.
      • Transition for members to login from old website to new website will require new access login and password.
      • Membership level, subscriber and regular member, access has different privileges. 
      • Motion made by Jerry to accept the new website as designed. Dennis Gorley seconded. Discussion included when to make it go live and that any search for NORPAC-Santas will direct to new website.
      • Dennis Gorley made motion to amendment the motion to have a go live date March 1st, seconded Jerry Galland.
      • Vote taken, passed unanimously.

      Facebook update,

      Trever and Dennis worked to move admin access, sole administrator is now Dennis Gorley.
      Dennis Gorley made motion to have FB access and admin be all elected board members. Second by Russell.
      Discussion included guidelines, posts content and who would be primary for posting.
      Passed unanimously.

      2 – Atlanta GA IBRBS- ICS – 2020 Atlanta Georgia April 23-25, 2020

          a. Attending is Santa Dennis Simpson
          b. Discussion included asking Santa Dennis Simpson to bring back materials available. If banners are available, can any member attending take with and display?
      c. Motion made by Santa Ron for Dennis Simpson to be focal point for ISC Seconded by Jerry, passed unanimously.

      3 – Executive Board Meeting –

      a. Location Jerry and Tracey’s house – April 4th, 2020, 9:00am
      b. Present theme for workshop.
      c. Present top three sessions you want to see, and suggest who you would like to invite.
      d. Post a poll on the website, suggest top three desires.

      4 – General meetings

      a. April 4th, 2020 – Billy McHales – 12:00
      1. Topics include Convention, website
      b. June 6
      th, 2020 – Billy McHales, Federal Way 12:00
      c. First weekend in August 1
      st at Ernies?

      New Business

         1 – Santa Convention – open discussion.

      GWL may not be available first week in October. Santa Ron will keep working on it and if necessary slide to next available weekend in October. We agree that we still want the event at GWL.
          Organization, by committee or by board? What type of program? Workshop theme. Member input much desired.
      Put poll up on NORPAC website for suggestions of what the members want to have. We have many new members since we hosted basic Santa classes. Should we have sessions on the Basics or focus on other presentations?

          Topics mentioned included: Activities, parade, the Bucket Drop, lunch, presentations, raffle or silent auction, special needs, sign language, theme, taxes, business structure (LLC, sole proprietor, etc.), Basic-And-Beyond, and inviting a keynote speaker.
      Universally agreed was the importance that the convention is a time for socializing.

          2 – Volunteer hours tracking. – 

          Follow the IBRBS model? Total hours versus volunteer hours. Russell will check into best methods.

      3 – Business cards.

          Ron and Dennis S. will work on getting new ones. Will have by April general meeting.

      4 – Member name badges.

      Jerry will make new ones for members.

      5 – Russell Albright made motion to add Ron Kearns to and remove Trever from the NORPAC bank accounts. Jerry second. Passed unanimously.

      Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.

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    Meeting Minutes Executive Board Meeting Minutes Feb 22, 2020

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