Christmas in July 2022

Message Boards General Discussion Christmas in July 2022

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  • #3892
    Bob Partlow

      Play Ball!

      The Christmas in July event for Toys For Kids will be held on Monday, July 25, for a 7:10 game against Texas.

      Logistics will come later, but in the several previous evens, Santas show up around 5 and talk to kids and adults on the 300 level through the 6th inning.

      It’s a lot of fun for a good cause and we usually have 5-7 Santas participate although the more the merrier, so to speak.

      I will be the contact: 360-528-9025.

      Just let me know of your interest and I will keep you up to date on he details.





      Russell Albright

        Where is the game at?

        Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S9+, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone
        Santa Mark

          The game will be at T-Mobile park

          From: “Norpac Santas, webmaster” <>
          Reply-To: “” <>
          Date: Monday, February 7, 2022 at 11:07 AM
          To: Mark DeMonbrun <>
          Subject: [Norpac Santas] New reply for Christmas in July 2022

          Bob Partlow

            The game will be at T-Mobile Park

            Dan Burke

              We are looking forward to it.  Have it marked on our calendar.  Keep us posted?  Be a long time

              Dan Burke

                We are looking forward to it.  Have it marked on our calendar.  Keep us posted?  Been a long time

                Bob Partlow
                  Will definitely keep you posted.
                  Dave Myers
                    I’d love to join in!  I’ll plan for it!Santa Dave
                    Bob Partlow
                      Great. I will put you on the list.
                    Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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                    Message Boards General Discussion Christmas in July 2022