Feb 26, 2022 NORPAC Board Meeting
12pm via zoom
Present: President Mark DeMonbrun, Vice President Russell Albright, Treasurer Dennis Gorley, Secretary Chuck Parrish, Board member at large Gene Sanders
Meeting called to order at 12pm
The meeting began with introductions. This is a new board.
- Treasurers Report (Gorley) report is attached at bottom of this post.
Motion made by Dennis Gorley and seconded by Gene Sanders to accept the proposed budget. Unanimous approval.
Motion was made by Dennis Gorley and seconded by Gene Sanders to roll over the convention plan from 2021 to 2022. It will be an in-person convention. Unanimous approval.
The tentative date will be Oct 7 and 8 of 2022. It is understood that phone calls must be made to check availability of the Brothers Claus. If the Brothers Claus are available, there will be a discussion about content. The schedule and agenda will be reviewed for any needed revisions. The hotel likely be the same hotel, Holiday Inn Express in Lakewood subject to availability.
Motion was made by Dennis Gorley and seconded by Russell Albright for the following in-person meetings. Zoom access to the meetings will no longer be available. Unanimous approval.
April 2, Billy McHales, Federal Way, noon
June 4, Billy McHales, Federal Way, noon
Aug 6, Meeting and Picnic at Ernie and Ginny Walker’s house in Lakewood, noon
Recurring zoom board meetings are scheduled to occur on Mondays at 6pm prior to in-person general meetings on the following Saturday. Other board meetings will be scheduled as needed.
Rob McDonald needs a home for the Norpac sleigh. He is moving. On a temporary basis, Gene Sanders agreed to store the sleigh.
Members that have not paid dues in a timely fashion will be experience a “soft” delete. This means that all their information is still there. Access will be restored when membership renewed. Efforts will be made (be email) to reach out to former members and others who have simply forgotten to join or who would like to join again.
adjourned at approximately 1:30 pm.
NORPAC Proposed Budget 2022
Comments are Closed