Executive Board Meeting Oct 21, 2017

Meeting Minutes Executive Board Meeting Oct 21, 2017

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  • #1564
    Russell Albright

      Elmer’s Restaurant -Tacoma October 21, 2017 9:00 AM
      Attending: Trever Waltos, Gene Sanders, Ron Kearns, Jerry and Tracey Galland,Dennis and Glena Gorley. Excused: Dennis Simpson, dale Scott and Randy Cook

      WORKSHOP Discussion of Registrations
      So far, Cowllishaw, Biedle and Larson have indicated they will be attending but have not registered yet. Ron Kearns registered today. Ron asked if we have enough gift bags? According to e-mail from Dale to Trever we have sufficient number of gift bags and raffle boxes. Status of Workshop finances was discussed. Dennis G. reporting that we should be good but at this time unsure on numbers of attendees. Trever mentioned that SantaTrue is to receive $600 for putting on class. Needs to be added to Workshop expenditures. GWL will provide projector and sound system for our use at no additional cost. Gene to handle registrations at Workshop handing out name tags and signing folks in. Ron will bring cookies for gift bags.
      It was decided that because of the structure of this workshop and the difficulty of transporting the sleigh that it will not be brought to the Workshop. Gene will send out an e-mail announcing this and ask if anyone would like to bring their Santa chair for those photo ops. Question was asked if there was a backdrop available and Ron volunteered to bring his Santa Workshop backdrop.
      Trever and Gene will bring their clothes racks. Workshop certificates were discussed. Dennis G. had produced certificates for Santas
      who had signed up so far and provided them to Trever for his signature. Dennis asked if we wanted to provide certificates for Mrs. Claus? After discussion it was decided that we would provide a certificate and it would be addressed as “Mrs. Claus, (insert full
      name given on registration).”

      GO-FUND-ME for Hurricane disaster areas in Florida and Texas.
      Account will be set up prior to Workshop so we can advertise it. Dennis G. will check with Partlow’s to finalize details. Trever has confirmed with both Santa organizations in Florida and Texas our intent. Both organizations won’t being doing anything with proceeds until after the first of the year so there is not an urgency for us to meet this Christmas deadline. It was decided that NORPAC will announce that the organization will match contributions up to the $1,000 limit we had previously established.

      2018 Rainiers participation
      After discussion it was decided that we would purchase 25 tickets for the Sunday July 22nd game. More tickets could be purchased if necessary. Dennis G will set it up with Rainiers.

      BY-LAW Amendment
      Discussion on proposed amendment to By-Laws changing Board structure. Change if approved would eliminate Co-Chair position in favor of Chair and Vice Chair positions. Ron expressed a need for a connection to the origination of the organization. Assuming
      Dennis S. is interested in being Past Chair, Ron expressed a desire to be involved to insure keeping the same values as the organization moves forward. It was discussed that the possibility of Ron for an At-Large position (even though he has lost 30 pounds and not so “large” anymore!). Timing of a vote by the membership on the amendment was discussed. The Board decided that a vote on the amendment should be conducted at the Workshop so that
      nominations for the open positions could be conducted and voted on in February as specified in the BY-LAWS. After further discussion, Dennis G. will send out the proposed amendment with a brief explanation to all members and ask those not attending the Workshop to vote on the proposal and for those members attending, they
      would receive a ballot to vote on at registration. A discussion of the duties for a Vice Chair might include responsibility for coordinating
      meeting dates, locations, special events like Rainiers, etc. and other duties as assigned by the Chair.

      NORPAC PayPal
      Dennis G. initiated the discussion on whether NORPAC wanted to set up a PayPal Account. There would be a service charge for each transaction amounting to 2% plus a flat rate. Jerry mentioned that there may be bank charges for use of credit card in the transaction. Discussion ensued as to whether we should pass along this cost to users or absorb it as administrative costs or look at other options. The Board voted to establish a PayPal account and to absorb the service charges for one year and then evaluate what the usage and costs are. Dennis G. will check with BECU and set up PayPal account.

      Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM
      Respectively recorded by Dennis Gorley, Acting Secretary

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    Meeting Minutes Executive Board Meeting Oct 21, 2017

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