2024 NW Santas Conference Feedback

Thank you for attending the 2024 Northwest Santa Conference!

We hope you had fun and learned a ton. Now is your chance to tell us how it went for you, and inspire us to do better next year!

Please us the rating stars and let us know how you feel. And the more detail you can put it the text boxes helps us plan next year’s conference!

Conference Venue

La Quinta Inn and Suites
Did the table and room set-up meet your needs?
Did you stay at the hotel?
How did the LaQuinta Inn and Suites meet your expectations?
Use this for notes on La Quinta that don’t fit in the above categories.

Conference Program

2024 Northwest Santa Conference
This year’s conference featured the Kringle Brothers, the Whitman Tellers, and catered meals. Please tell us your thoughts about each.
What did you think of Mike and Herbie?
What are your general thoughts about the material Mike and Herbie presented?
This year, we used a single caterer for all three meals. How did they do?
Tell us about your favorite entrees and side dishes from our caterer, or tell us what could have been better.
This year, we invited the Whitman Tellers to perform. They shared several stories. What did you think?
Tell us what you valued about Jen and Nat’s performance.

The 2024 Northwest Santa Conference

This section sums everything up and guides on plans for next year’s conference.
How would you rate the Conference overall?
What were your best experiences that help you into the season?
Tell us what topics we should cover, or who you’d like to present next year.

Sharing your name and email are optional!

It helps us to keep track of who has responded, so we won’t bug you in the future.

What’s the best email address to reach you?
You aren’t committing to anything yet. This just gives us an idea of who might be available to help next year.