Bylaws, adopted on November 4, 2011
Amended February 2, 2012
Amended June 7, 2014
Amended February 4, 2018
Amended February 5, 2022
Section 1.1 Name
The name of this Society shall be NORPAC SANTAS
Section 1.2 Motto
The official motto of NORPAC Santa’s shall be:
In the eyes of children, we see the joy of Christmas;
In the hearts of children, we see the true meaning of Christmas
Section 1.3
NORPAC Santa’s is a non-profit organization as defined by the IRS Code 501 (c) 7 Recreational and Social nonprofit club [4 Feb. 2012]
Section 2.1 Object
The object of this society shall be to spread the love, joy and the spirit of Christmas year-round through periodic social events, mutual sharing of expertise, training seminars and round-tables, as well as by media events.
Section 2.2 Purpose
NORPAC Santa’s shall promote skilled and educated performances, broaden Christmas holiday spirit awareness and serve as an advocate for Christmas holiday performers. We shall share our camaraderie with other Christmas holiday performer enthusiasts and the community.
Section 3.1 Criteria
The membership of this society shall consist of individuals who portray Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Elf, Reindeer, Santa’s Helper and other supporting members, with all voices being equal in discussion and agreements.
Section 3.2 Membership Selection.
Membership is open to those who:
- (a) Meet the membership criteria.
- (b) Agree with the club purpose.
- (c) Agree to abide by club bylaws.
- (d) Are in good standing in terms of conduct.\
- (e) Pay dues as required.
- (f) Abide by the “Santa Claus Oath.”
- (g) Provide a valid National background check affidavit with membership application / renewal effective January 1, 2015. [June 7, 2014]
Section 3.3 Rights
Each member shall have voting rights and full privileges. Each member shall have available to them a photo on the club website, with links to personal websites, e-mail and other personal contact information.
Section 3.4 Removal
Any member may be removed for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present at a full meeting following a discussion of the cause. The vote must be announced to the membership no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the meeting and must include the date, time and location of both the cause and meeting. Removed members are not entitled to a dues refund.
Section 3.5 Resignation
Resignations are allowed with notice to the Chair of NORPAC. [June 7, 2014]
Section 3.6 Golden Membership
A golden membership in the organization may be awarded to a member for outstanding work and efforts on behalf of the organization and the Christmas community. Said membership will be exempt from dues and will become a lifetime member of the organization. Said membership will be granted upon motion of a member in good standing, presentation and discussion of the merit and approved by 2/3 of a majority at a scheduled general meeting.
Section 4.1 Dues
Membership dues shall neither be ordered nor collected unless approved by majority vote of the membership. With a pay as you go philosophy annual dues shall be set and adjusted as needed; however the assumption is that they will be low and approved by majority vote of those attending a previously announced meeting. Annual family dues shall be $35.00 for the calendar year.
Section 4.2 Funding
To maintain the NORPAC Santa’s website ( and to defray costs incurred by the operation of the club, Santa’s Stocking may be passed among the membership to collect donations. If one-time fees or assessments are needed, advance notice is to be given members and an appropriate venue established facilitating, discussion, suggestions, and a majority decision.
Section 4.3 Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of the club, all funds remaining in Santa’s Stocking shall be donated to a charity as selected by a majority vote of the membership.
Section 5.1 General Meetings
The society shall meet at regular intervals, based on consensus of the membership, with at least one meeting required per year. This meeting open to the membership shall be the first social function and meeting of the calendar year. Since meeting in person is desirable on many levels, meetings should be held in person. Members should attend regularly as they are able; quorum for meetings shall be those attending.
Section 5.2 Meeting Notification
The exact times and meeting places for General Meetings will be announced on the club website and through electronic mail with an agenda of the meeting provided.
Section 5.3
Special meetings or an emergency meeting may be called by the Executive Board. Notification of a special meeting shall be consistent with that of a general meeting.
Section 5.4 Parliamentary Authority:
Roberts Rules of Order
Section 6.1 Officers
The Executive Board shall consist of four permanent positions, identified as Chair, Vice Chair, secretary and treasurer. [4 Feb 2018] The past chair shall serve on the Executive board as an advisor and voting member. [4 Feb 2012] Additional officer positions may be added upon approval February 2022 3 of the membership.
Section 6.2 Qualifications
All Officers must be active participants and meet the membership criteria as described in Article 3 of these Bylaws and be active Christmas Holiday performers.
Section 7.1 Elections
Elections for the Executive Board shall be held at the general meeting held in February. An election may also be held via an electronic vote upon approval of the existing Executive Board. [Feb 5, 2022]
Section 7.2 Term of elected positions
The term of elected positions shall be two years from date elected [Feb 5, 2022] and end upon the election held in February. The Chair and Secretary positions shall be elected in an even numbered year and the Vice Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in an odd numbered year. The Vice Chair and Treasurer positions shall be elected for one year term in 2022. [Feb 5, 2022]
Section 7.3 Election procedure
Nominations for Executive Board positions may be made by any member in good standing on or before January 15th of the election year. Nominations will be presented to the Election Committee Chair appointed by the Executive Board on or before specified date. A ballot with all nominations will be presented to the membership for voting and upon completion returned to the Election Committee Chair.
If an electronic vote is utilized the procedure will be identified before the vote takes place. [Feb 5, 2022]
Section 7.4 Vacancies
Vacancies in any office shall be filled by a club member in good standing elected by the majority of the membership attending, and shall serve until the next regular election of officers.
Section 7.5 Removal
Any officer may be removed from office for cause by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present at a general meeting following a discussion of the cause. The vote must be announced to the membership no later than two weeks (14 days) prior to the meeting and must include the date, time and location of both the cause and meeting.
Section 8.1
Appointments and Committees are positions in the club that are of a voluntary nature.
Section 8.2 Executive Board
All officers are considered part of the executive committee, which may act between regularly scheduled meetings by consensus agreements to be reported, explained and accepted or modified by the next regularly scheduled meeting, as needed.
Section 8.3 Committees
As the society’s needs change, committees will be formed by the Executive Board based on need, as either ad hoc or standing committees. Some examples may include: finance committee, program committee, membership committee, nominating committee etc.
Section 9.1 Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Society through consensus building action, and finalized with a two/thirds (2/3) majority vote. Bylaws changes require advance notice showing suggested verbiage changes.
Section 9.2 Effective Date
Bylaw changes will take affect upon determination of the final result of the vote.
Section 9.3 Notations
Amendments or changes to the bylaws shall note the date of change after the respective bylaw, e.g. “[25 Dec 11]”.
Section 10.1 Conduct
Any member of the club may be dismissed from a club meeting, club activity or club membership as a result of inappropriate behavior. The member shall be warned concerning such inappropriate conduct by the Chairperson or appointed club member. The following shall be the basis for, but not limited to, inappropriate behavior and disciplinary measures:
- (a) Being drunk or otherwise intoxicated while performing in costume.
- (b) Obnoxious and/or obscene behavior that is detrimental to the image of the club.
- (c) Appearing in public in a dirty, worn or otherwise unacceptable appearance.
- (d) Using obscene language while performing in costume.
- (e) Failure to honor a Santa commitment/contract without just cause.
- (f) Any behavior that would harm or otherwise compromise the image of Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, his Elves and various helpers.
Section 10.2 Appearance
All members participating in any public club event or in a personal public appearance:
- (a) Shall wear an appropriate holiday costume that is clean and professional in appearance.
- (b) Shall keep a proper holiday spirit and attitude at all times.
- (c) Shall refrain from alcohol and other intoxicating substances before and during the appearance.
- (d) Shall have a proper knowledge of Christmas, Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Elf and Helper lore and history.
Section 10.3 Character Expression
Each Member shall have the freedom to express their interpretation of their holiday character.
Section 11.1 Non-members
Non-member guests and visitors are welcome at general meetings and social gatherings of the society. Guests must agree to abide by club rules and standards of conduct but have no voting rights.